Saturday, April 14, 2007


She watches as the ocean sways to the sound of its waves and watches as the foam hit the sands. She smiles. It sure looked like a frilly turquoise skirt with white lace around the hem.

She closes the book she had in hand and stares out the sea. Her mind wanders back to a few weeks back. A frown settles over her serene features. She thinks back and swallows hard as the same feelings and emotions sweep over her in a wave and she tries to shake them away mentally.

The sea glistens with sunlight and it looks inviting. She contemplates a swim and decides against it opting instead to opening her journal and writing.

Dear Diary,
It is a nice day. Guess where I am? At the beach. Isn’t that nice? I finally got that trip on my own. It is nice here. I still get haunted. And at times I feel like I may not be able to make it. But I still believe. Believe in me.
I finally managed to open up. And I am now receiving my healing. Letting go. It’s a nice feeling I must say.
I am excelling in work, I am open to new dimensions and I see things in a whole new light. And yet there is still a vacuum feeling in me. There is still something missing. I just wonder how long it will be before I find it....

She closes her journal and decides to take a walk along the shoreline. A dog barks in a distance. A crow makes a twirl before sweeping down to pick some dead sea creature from the white sands. She smiles. And walks on head bent deep in thought....


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